Let me start with this,since this game is a set in an ancient period, they decided to use the graphics from the 1st century BCE and the 2nd century CE. I'm pretty much sure everyone agrees that it helps the historical feeling of the game.
While most gladiators are notorious for being brutal warriors, it's nice to see their dimwitted nature,when I say dimwited I'm reffering to the A.I. which fails to impress.Your party members acting more as cannon fodder than actual team-mates at most.
You are treated to a short movie at the beginning of the game that tells you an intriguing story of fame and glory and bloodshed.
I was dissapointed to find none of that in the actual game itself,but rather a painfull replayability involving boring fights and buying useless items.
But for what is worth I presented a friend of mine this game,after a few hours of fighting in the arenas he looked back at me waiting for me to point the finger up or down.I really tried offering him mercy...